Horticulture Practices Impacting Health
“A broad spectrum of horticultural practices impacts human health and well-being from plants, horticulture technology, environmental/regulatory requirements and consumer preferences. These can have direct health impact, indirect in the case of environmental fallout, or extemporaneous, as business decisions within the green industry….The balancing of business, environmental and health factors sheds light on the complex and evolving nature of horticultural practices and their link to human health and well-being” (Fleming, 2021).
Consumer driven trends
Horticulture best practices
Technology tools
Plant-based businesses
Consumer driven trends
Horticulture best practices
Technology tools
Plant-based businesses
“Plant trends, driven by consumer preferences, have created greater demand for specific plant-based protein crops like nuts, hemp seeds, beans and edamame, organic foods, heirloom fruits and vegetables, and plants used for herbal remedies (Gomez-Pinilla, 2010; Tilbert & Kaptchuk, 2021). Consumers are demanding safety and transparency for all types of plant products including edibles, ornamental plants, cut flowers, seeds, and vegetative cuttings used in residences, community and commercial gardens (FAQ et al., 2020). Interest in home gardens, gardening as self-care, houseplants addressing weltschmerz, and foodscaping are a few examples where plants intersect health strategies (Mickelsen, 2011; Garden Media Group, 2021)” (Fleming, 2021).
“Plant trends, driven by consumer preferences, have created greater demand for specific plant-based protein crops like nuts, hemp seeds, beans and edamame, organic foods, heirloom fruits and vegetables, and plants used for herbal remedies (Gomez-Pinilla, 2010; Tilbert & Kaptchuk, 2021). Consumers are demanding safety and transparency for all types of plant products including edibles, ornamental plants, cut flowers, seeds, and vegetative cuttings used in residences, community and commercial gardens (FAQ et al., 2020). Interest in home gardens, gardening as self-care, houseplants addressing weltschmerz, and foodscaping are a few examples where plants intersect health strategies (Mickelsen, 2011; Garden Media Group, 2021)” (Fleming, 2021).
Key organizations
American Grown Flowers and Foliage Organization
GardenComm: Garden Communicators International
Garden Media Group
Ellison Chair In International Floriculture at Texas A&M University, Dr. Charles Hall
Floral Marketing Fund
Horticulture Research Institute
National Garden Bureau
National Gardening Association (garden.org), GardenResearch.com
New Phytologist Foundation
GardenComm: Garden Communicators International
Garden Media Group
Ellison Chair In International Floriculture at Texas A&M University, Dr. Charles Hall
Floral Marketing Fund
Horticulture Research Institute
National Garden Bureau
National Gardening Association (garden.org), GardenResearch.com
New Phytologist Foundation
FAQ, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP & WHO. (2020). The state of food security and nutrition in the world 2020.
Transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets. https://www.fao.org/3/ca9692en/online/ca9692en.html
Food journals (Journal of Food Science, Journal of Medicinal Food, Journal of Food Science and
Technology, Food Policy, Journal of Food Safety etc.)
Food Navigator.com
Home Food Gardening: U.S. Marketing Trends & Opportunities
Knuth, M., Khachatryan, H. & Hall C. (2021). Consumer houseplant purchasing report 2021.
American Floral Endowment. 291 p.
Nursery Management
Plants, People, Planet
Terrapin Bright Green, LLC. (2015). The Economics Of Biophilia: Why Designing With Nature In Mind
Makes Financial Sense. Terrapin Bright Green, LLC.
Whitinger, D. & Cohen, P. (2022). National gardening survey. National Gardening Association.
Yue, C., Rihn, A., Behe, B. & Hall, C. (2009). Consumer preference for flowers as gifts: Age segments,
substitutes, and perceived risk. American Floral Endowment.
Transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets. https://www.fao.org/3/ca9692en/online/ca9692en.html
Food journals (Journal of Food Science, Journal of Medicinal Food, Journal of Food Science and
Technology, Food Policy, Journal of Food Safety etc.)
Food Navigator.com
Home Food Gardening: U.S. Marketing Trends & Opportunities
Knuth, M., Khachatryan, H. & Hall C. (2021). Consumer houseplant purchasing report 2021.
American Floral Endowment. 291 p.
Nursery Management
Plants, People, Planet
Terrapin Bright Green, LLC. (2015). The Economics Of Biophilia: Why Designing With Nature In Mind
Makes Financial Sense. Terrapin Bright Green, LLC.
Whitinger, D. & Cohen, P. (2022). National gardening survey. National Gardening Association.
Yue, C., Rihn, A., Behe, B. & Hall, C. (2009). Consumer preference for flowers as gifts: Age segments,
substitutes, and perceived risk. American Floral Endowment.
Recently published selected research & articles:
AmericanHort. (2022). State of the industry white paper: Analysis and points of view for our industry.
Axiom. (2023). Axiom market insights: 2023 gardening outlook.
Basarir, A., Al Mansouri, N.M.N. & Ahmed, Z.F.R. (2022). Householders’ attitude, preferences, and
willingness to have home garden at time of pandemics. Horticulturae, 8(1), 56. MDPI AG. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8010056
Behe, BK., Huddleston, PT. & Hall, CR. (2022). Gardening motivations of U.S. plant purchasers during
the COVID-19 pandemic. J. Environmental Horticulture, 40(1), 10-17.
Behe, B., Huddleston, P., Chen, J., Childs, K. & Muraro, I. (2020). Seeing through the forest: The gaze path to purchase. PLoS. ONE 15(10):e0240179. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240179
Bhunia, A.K., Bisha, B., Gehring, A.G. & Brehm-Stecher, B.F. (2020). Advances in foodborne pathogen analysis. Foods 9(11):1635. doi: 10.3390/foods9111635
Brandon, E.M. (2022). Why JW Marriott is planting edible gardens in every one of its hotels. Fast
Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/90740481/why-jw-marriott-is-planting-edible-gardens-is-every-one-of-its-hotels
Bumgarner, N., Dorn, S., McGinnis, E., Bennett, P., Bauske, E., Krishnan, S. & Bradley, L. (2019). Consumer horticulture advancement: Identifying critical research areas and cultivating collaborations. HortTechnology 29(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04422-19. https://journals.ashs.org/horttech/view/journals/horttech/29/6/article-p769.xml
Burke, R., Sherwood, O.L., Clune, S., Carroll, R., McCabe, P.F., Kane, A. & Kacprzyk, J. (2022).
Botanical boom: A new opportunity to promote the public appreciation of botany. Plants People Planet, 4(3).
Campbell, B., Campbell, J.H. & Rihn, A. (2021). Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on plant
purchasing in the Southeast. Agribusiness Intl J,. 37(1), 160-170. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21685
Campbell, J.H. & Campbell, B.L. (2019). Consumer perceptions of green industry retailers.
HortTechnology, 29(2). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04205-18
Campbell, B., Khachatryan, H. & Rihn, A. (2017). Pollinator-friendly plants: Reasons for and barriers to
purchase HortTechnology, 27, 831-839.
Chenarides, L., Grebitus, C., Lusk, J.L. & Printezis, I. (2021). Who practices urban agriculture? An
empirical analysis of participation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Agribusiness (N Y N Y), 37(1), 142-159. doi: 10.1002/agr.21675
Conway, Tenley M. (2016). Home-based edible gardening: Urban residents’ motivations and
barriers. Cities and the Environment, 9(1). https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cate/vol9/iss1/3
Cornall, J. (2021). ADM unveils the next big consumer trends. Food Navigator.com.
Dorn, S., Bradley, L., Hamrick, D., Weisenhorn, J., Bennett, P., Callabro, J., Behe, B., Bauske, E. & Bumgarner, N. (2018). The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: Exploring research on the social, environmental, and economic benefits of consumer horticulture. HortTechnology 28(2):414-421
Etheredge, C.L. & DelPrince J. (2021). Retail florists use novel sales approaches during the COVID-19
pandemic. HortTechnology, 31(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04920-21
Fleming, L. (2021). Horticulture for health framework. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International
People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Garden Media Group. (2021). 2021 garden trends report: The great reset. http://grow.gardenmediagroup.com/2021-garden-trends-report
Garden Media Group. (2021). 2022 garden trends reports: From crisis to innovation. http://grow.gardenmediagroup.com/2022-garden-trends-report
Garden Media Group. (2023). 2023 garden trends reports: I believe in me.
Gomez-Pinilla, F. (2010). Brain foods: The effects of nutrients on brain function. National Review of Neuroscience 9(7):568-578. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2421
Greenhouse Management. (2022). State of the industry: Your next move. Greenhouse
Management. https://www.greenhousemag.com/article/state-of-the-industry-research-your-next-move/
Hall, C., Campbell, B., Rihn, A., B. Behe, B. & Khachatryan, H. (2019). Consumer response to novel
indoor foliage plant attributes: Evidence from a conjoint experiment and gaze analysis.
Hortscience, 50(10), 1524-1530, 10.21273/hortsci.50.10.1524
Halleck, L. (2021). The new plant parents: We’ve actually been here before.
Halleck, L. (2021). The rise of rare. https://www.greenhousemag.com/article/the-rise-of-rare/
Hancocks, N. (2021). Yakult and APC microbiome Ireland launch gut-brain consumer guide. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/10/15/Yakult-and-APC-Microbiome-Ireland-launch-gut-brain-axis-consumer-guide
He, J., Evans, N.M., Liu, H. & Shao, S. (2020). A review of research on plant-based meat alternatives: Driving forces, history, manufacturing, and consumer attitudes. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 19(5):2639-2656. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12610
Horticulture Trends 2023. (2023). The Flower Council of Holland.
Jürkenbeck, K., Heumann, A. & Spiller, A. (2019). Sustainability matters: Consumer acceptance of
different vertical farming systems. Sustainability, 11(15), 4052. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11154052
Kaufmann-Buhler, J. (2022). Designing for maintenance: Plant care technology in the office.
Technology and Culture, 63(4), 1033-1056. doi:10.1353/tech.2022.0156.
Khachatryan, J., Rihn, A. & Wei, Z. (2021). Plant selection behavior and promotion use by garden
center customers. EDIS 3. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/fe1098
Khachatryan, H., Rihn, A., Campbell, B., Yue, C., Hall, C. & Behe, B. (2017). Visual attention to eco-labels predicts consumer preferences for pollinator friendly plants. Sustainability (9):1743. doi: 10.3390/su9101743
Khachatryan, H. & Rihn, A.L. (2018). Defining U.S. consumers’ (mis)perceptions of pollinator friendly
labels: An exploratory study Intl. Food Agribus. Mgt. Rev., 21, 365-378.
Kim, K.H. (2021). Stress coping strategies and horticultural preferences of middle-aged women
based on their enneagram personality types. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Knuth, M., Behe, B., Hall, C., Huddleston, P. & Fernandez, R. (2019). Sit back or dig in? The role of activity level in landscape market segmentation. HortScience 54(10):1818-1823. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14158-19
Knuth, M., Behe, BK., Hall, CR., Fernandez, RT. & Huddleston, PT. (2018). Consumer perceptions, attitudes, and purchase behavior with landscape plants during real and perceived drought periods. HortScience 53(1):49-54. doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI12482-17. https://journals.ashs.org/hortsci/view/journals/hortsci/53/1/article-p49.xml
Knuth, M.J., Khachatryan, H., & Hall, C.R. (2021). How consistent are consumers in their decisions?
Investigation of houseplant purchasing. Behavioral Sciences, 11(5), 73. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/bs11050073
Krishnan, S., Kirk-Ballard, H., McGinnis, E. & Garcia Chance, L. (2021). Critical issues in consumer
horticulture: Gaps in research and public gardens’ involvement in consumer horticulture. HortTechnology, 32(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04934-21
Lee, D.U., Bae, J.M., Lim, J.H. & Choi, J.H. (2017). Prediction of consumer acceptance of oriental
melon based on physiochemical and sensory characteristics. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology, 35(4), 446-455.
Lobdell, M.S. (2021). Exploring careers at public gardens: A long-term evaluation of The Morton
Arboretum Public Horticulture Internship. HortTechnology, 31(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04901-21
McClements, D.J. & Grossmann, L. (2021). The science of plant-based foods: Constructing next-generation meat, fish, milk, and egg analogs. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 20(4):4049-4100. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12771
McClements, D.J. (2020). Development of next-generation nutritionally fortified plant-based milk substitutes: Structural design principles. Foods 9(4):421. doi: 10.3390/foods9040421
McFarland, A., Waliczek, T.M., Etheredge, C. & Sommerfeld Lillard, A.J. (2018). Understanding
motivations for gardening using a qualitative general inductive approach, HortTechnology, 28(3), 289-295. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH03972-18
McGinnis, E., Rihn, A., Bumgaraner, N., Krishnan, S. Cole, J., Sclar, C. & Khachatryan, J. (2020).
Enhancing consumer horticulture’s millennial outreach: Social media, retail, and public garden perspectives. HortTechnology, 30(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04697-20
McPherson, T. (2023). What’s trending with home gardeners. Lawn and Garden Retailer, 30-36.
Mikkelsen, B.E. (2011). Images of foodscapes: Introduction to foodscape studies and their application in the study of healthy eating out-of-home environments. Perspectives in Public Health 131 (5):209-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/1757913911415150
Montri, D., Chung, K. & Behe, B. (2020). Farmer perspectives on farmers markets in low-income urban areas: A case study in three Michigan cities. Agriculture and Human Values. doi: 10.1007/s10460-020-10144-3
Morgan, S. (2020). Gardening trends, weltschmerz, and therapeutic horticulture. HTInstitute.org.
Moscato, E.M. & Machin, J.E. (2018). Mother natural: Motivations and associations for consuming natural foods. Appetite 121:18-28. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.10.031
Naren, D.M., Hockenberry Meyer, M., Yue, C. & Roth, N. (2018). Point of sale displays influence
consumer decisions to purchase native grasses. HortTechnology, 28(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04124-18
National Gardening Association. (2022). 2022 National Gardening Survey.
Onwezen, M.C., Bouwman, E.P., Reinders, M.J. & Dagevos, H. (2021). A systematic review on consumer acceptance of alternative proteins: Pulses, algae, insects, plant-based meat alternatives, and cultured meat. Appetite 159:105058. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.105058
ResearchAndMarkets.com. (2022, September 8). The worldwide greenhouse horticulture industry is
expected to reach $39 billion by 2027.
Rihn, A., Khachatryan, H., Campbell, B., Hall, C. & Behe, B. (2016). Consumer preferences for organic production methods and origin promotions on ornamental plants: Evidence from eye-tracking experiments. Agricultural Economics 47:1–10.
Rombach, M, Dean, D.L., Baird, T. & Kambuta, J. (2022). Should I pay or should I grow? Factors which
influenced the preferences of US consumers for fruit, vegetables, wine and beer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Foods, 11(11), 1536. doi: 10.3390/foods11111536
San Fratello, D., Campbell, B.L., Secor, W.G. & Campbell, J. H. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on gardening in the United States: Postpandemic expectations. American Society of Horticultural Science, 32(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04911-21
Southey, F. (2021). Do consumers have an appetite for change? IGD shines spotlight on healthy and sustainable diets. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/10/08/Do-consumers-have-an-appetite-for-change-IGD-shines-spotlight-on-healthy-and-sustainable-diets
Sparks, B. (2017). 14 consumer gardening trends that have stood the test of time. Greenhouse Grower. https://www.greenhousegrower.com/management/14-consumer-gardening-trends-that-have-stood-the-test-of-time/
Tham, SY. & Fleming, L. (2022). Victory gardens to pandemic victory gardens. Cultivate, 2(3), 7-9.
Thomas, M., Jensen, K., Velandia, M., Clark, C., English, B., Lambert, D. & Walker, F. (2020). Outdoor
home gardener preferences for environmental attributes in gardening supplies and use of ecofriendly gardening practices. HortTechnology, 30(5). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04672-20
Tilbert, J.C. & Kaptchuk, T.J. (2021). Herbal medicine research and global health: An ethical analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/86/8/07-042820/en/ https://doi.org/10.2471/BLT.07.042820
AmericanHort. (2022). State of the industry white paper: Analysis and points of view for our industry.
Axiom. (2023). Axiom market insights: 2023 gardening outlook.
Basarir, A., Al Mansouri, N.M.N. & Ahmed, Z.F.R. (2022). Householders’ attitude, preferences, and
willingness to have home garden at time of pandemics. Horticulturae, 8(1), 56. MDPI AG. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8010056
Behe, BK., Huddleston, PT. & Hall, CR. (2022). Gardening motivations of U.S. plant purchasers during
the COVID-19 pandemic. J. Environmental Horticulture, 40(1), 10-17.
Behe, B., Huddleston, P., Chen, J., Childs, K. & Muraro, I. (2020). Seeing through the forest: The gaze path to purchase. PLoS. ONE 15(10):e0240179. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240179
Bhunia, A.K., Bisha, B., Gehring, A.G. & Brehm-Stecher, B.F. (2020). Advances in foodborne pathogen analysis. Foods 9(11):1635. doi: 10.3390/foods9111635
Brandon, E.M. (2022). Why JW Marriott is planting edible gardens in every one of its hotels. Fast
Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/90740481/why-jw-marriott-is-planting-edible-gardens-is-every-one-of-its-hotels
Bumgarner, N., Dorn, S., McGinnis, E., Bennett, P., Bauske, E., Krishnan, S. & Bradley, L. (2019). Consumer horticulture advancement: Identifying critical research areas and cultivating collaborations. HortTechnology 29(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04422-19. https://journals.ashs.org/horttech/view/journals/horttech/29/6/article-p769.xml
Burke, R., Sherwood, O.L., Clune, S., Carroll, R., McCabe, P.F., Kane, A. & Kacprzyk, J. (2022).
Botanical boom: A new opportunity to promote the public appreciation of botany. Plants People Planet, 4(3).
Campbell, B., Campbell, J.H. & Rihn, A. (2021). Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on plant
purchasing in the Southeast. Agribusiness Intl J,. 37(1), 160-170. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21685
Campbell, J.H. & Campbell, B.L. (2019). Consumer perceptions of green industry retailers.
HortTechnology, 29(2). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04205-18
Campbell, B., Khachatryan, H. & Rihn, A. (2017). Pollinator-friendly plants: Reasons for and barriers to
purchase HortTechnology, 27, 831-839.
Chenarides, L., Grebitus, C., Lusk, J.L. & Printezis, I. (2021). Who practices urban agriculture? An
empirical analysis of participation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Agribusiness (N Y N Y), 37(1), 142-159. doi: 10.1002/agr.21675
Conway, Tenley M. (2016). Home-based edible gardening: Urban residents’ motivations and
barriers. Cities and the Environment, 9(1). https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cate/vol9/iss1/3
Cornall, J. (2021). ADM unveils the next big consumer trends. Food Navigator.com.
Dorn, S., Bradley, L., Hamrick, D., Weisenhorn, J., Bennett, P., Callabro, J., Behe, B., Bauske, E. & Bumgarner, N. (2018). The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: Exploring research on the social, environmental, and economic benefits of consumer horticulture. HortTechnology 28(2):414-421
Etheredge, C.L. & DelPrince J. (2021). Retail florists use novel sales approaches during the COVID-19
pandemic. HortTechnology, 31(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04920-21
Fleming, L. (2021). Horticulture for health framework. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International
People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Garden Media Group. (2021). 2021 garden trends report: The great reset. http://grow.gardenmediagroup.com/2021-garden-trends-report
Garden Media Group. (2021). 2022 garden trends reports: From crisis to innovation. http://grow.gardenmediagroup.com/2022-garden-trends-report
Garden Media Group. (2023). 2023 garden trends reports: I believe in me.
Gomez-Pinilla, F. (2010). Brain foods: The effects of nutrients on brain function. National Review of Neuroscience 9(7):568-578. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2421
Greenhouse Management. (2022). State of the industry: Your next move. Greenhouse
Management. https://www.greenhousemag.com/article/state-of-the-industry-research-your-next-move/
Hall, C., Campbell, B., Rihn, A., B. Behe, B. & Khachatryan, H. (2019). Consumer response to novel
indoor foliage plant attributes: Evidence from a conjoint experiment and gaze analysis.
Hortscience, 50(10), 1524-1530, 10.21273/hortsci.50.10.1524
Halleck, L. (2021). The new plant parents: We’ve actually been here before.
Halleck, L. (2021). The rise of rare. https://www.greenhousemag.com/article/the-rise-of-rare/
Hancocks, N. (2021). Yakult and APC microbiome Ireland launch gut-brain consumer guide. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/10/15/Yakult-and-APC-Microbiome-Ireland-launch-gut-brain-axis-consumer-guide
He, J., Evans, N.M., Liu, H. & Shao, S. (2020). A review of research on plant-based meat alternatives: Driving forces, history, manufacturing, and consumer attitudes. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 19(5):2639-2656. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12610
Horticulture Trends 2023. (2023). The Flower Council of Holland.
Jürkenbeck, K., Heumann, A. & Spiller, A. (2019). Sustainability matters: Consumer acceptance of
different vertical farming systems. Sustainability, 11(15), 4052. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11154052
Kaufmann-Buhler, J. (2022). Designing for maintenance: Plant care technology in the office.
Technology and Culture, 63(4), 1033-1056. doi:10.1353/tech.2022.0156.
Khachatryan, J., Rihn, A. & Wei, Z. (2021). Plant selection behavior and promotion use by garden
center customers. EDIS 3. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/fe1098
Khachatryan, H., Rihn, A., Campbell, B., Yue, C., Hall, C. & Behe, B. (2017). Visual attention to eco-labels predicts consumer preferences for pollinator friendly plants. Sustainability (9):1743. doi: 10.3390/su9101743
Khachatryan, H. & Rihn, A.L. (2018). Defining U.S. consumers’ (mis)perceptions of pollinator friendly
labels: An exploratory study Intl. Food Agribus. Mgt. Rev., 21, 365-378.
Kim, K.H. (2021). Stress coping strategies and horticultural preferences of middle-aged women
based on their enneagram personality types. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Knuth, M., Behe, B., Hall, C., Huddleston, P. & Fernandez, R. (2019). Sit back or dig in? The role of activity level in landscape market segmentation. HortScience 54(10):1818-1823. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14158-19
Knuth, M., Behe, BK., Hall, CR., Fernandez, RT. & Huddleston, PT. (2018). Consumer perceptions, attitudes, and purchase behavior with landscape plants during real and perceived drought periods. HortScience 53(1):49-54. doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI12482-17. https://journals.ashs.org/hortsci/view/journals/hortsci/53/1/article-p49.xml
Knuth, M.J., Khachatryan, H., & Hall, C.R. (2021). How consistent are consumers in their decisions?
Investigation of houseplant purchasing. Behavioral Sciences, 11(5), 73. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/bs11050073
Krishnan, S., Kirk-Ballard, H., McGinnis, E. & Garcia Chance, L. (2021). Critical issues in consumer
horticulture: Gaps in research and public gardens’ involvement in consumer horticulture. HortTechnology, 32(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04934-21
Lee, D.U., Bae, J.M., Lim, J.H. & Choi, J.H. (2017). Prediction of consumer acceptance of oriental
melon based on physiochemical and sensory characteristics. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology, 35(4), 446-455.
Lobdell, M.S. (2021). Exploring careers at public gardens: A long-term evaluation of The Morton
Arboretum Public Horticulture Internship. HortTechnology, 31(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04901-21
McClements, D.J. & Grossmann, L. (2021). The science of plant-based foods: Constructing next-generation meat, fish, milk, and egg analogs. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 20(4):4049-4100. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12771
McClements, D.J. (2020). Development of next-generation nutritionally fortified plant-based milk substitutes: Structural design principles. Foods 9(4):421. doi: 10.3390/foods9040421
McFarland, A., Waliczek, T.M., Etheredge, C. & Sommerfeld Lillard, A.J. (2018). Understanding
motivations for gardening using a qualitative general inductive approach, HortTechnology, 28(3), 289-295. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH03972-18
McGinnis, E., Rihn, A., Bumgaraner, N., Krishnan, S. Cole, J., Sclar, C. & Khachatryan, J. (2020).
Enhancing consumer horticulture’s millennial outreach: Social media, retail, and public garden perspectives. HortTechnology, 30(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04697-20
McPherson, T. (2023). What’s trending with home gardeners. Lawn and Garden Retailer, 30-36.
Mikkelsen, B.E. (2011). Images of foodscapes: Introduction to foodscape studies and their application in the study of healthy eating out-of-home environments. Perspectives in Public Health 131 (5):209-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/1757913911415150
Montri, D., Chung, K. & Behe, B. (2020). Farmer perspectives on farmers markets in low-income urban areas: A case study in three Michigan cities. Agriculture and Human Values. doi: 10.1007/s10460-020-10144-3
Morgan, S. (2020). Gardening trends, weltschmerz, and therapeutic horticulture. HTInstitute.org.
Moscato, E.M. & Machin, J.E. (2018). Mother natural: Motivations and associations for consuming natural foods. Appetite 121:18-28. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.10.031
Naren, D.M., Hockenberry Meyer, M., Yue, C. & Roth, N. (2018). Point of sale displays influence
consumer decisions to purchase native grasses. HortTechnology, 28(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04124-18
National Gardening Association. (2022). 2022 National Gardening Survey.
Onwezen, M.C., Bouwman, E.P., Reinders, M.J. & Dagevos, H. (2021). A systematic review on consumer acceptance of alternative proteins: Pulses, algae, insects, plant-based meat alternatives, and cultured meat. Appetite 159:105058. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.105058
ResearchAndMarkets.com. (2022, September 8). The worldwide greenhouse horticulture industry is
expected to reach $39 billion by 2027.
Rihn, A., Khachatryan, H., Campbell, B., Hall, C. & Behe, B. (2016). Consumer preferences for organic production methods and origin promotions on ornamental plants: Evidence from eye-tracking experiments. Agricultural Economics 47:1–10.
Rombach, M, Dean, D.L., Baird, T. & Kambuta, J. (2022). Should I pay or should I grow? Factors which
influenced the preferences of US consumers for fruit, vegetables, wine and beer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Foods, 11(11), 1536. doi: 10.3390/foods11111536
San Fratello, D., Campbell, B.L., Secor, W.G. & Campbell, J. H. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on gardening in the United States: Postpandemic expectations. American Society of Horticultural Science, 32(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04911-21
Southey, F. (2021). Do consumers have an appetite for change? IGD shines spotlight on healthy and sustainable diets. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/10/08/Do-consumers-have-an-appetite-for-change-IGD-shines-spotlight-on-healthy-and-sustainable-diets
Sparks, B. (2017). 14 consumer gardening trends that have stood the test of time. Greenhouse Grower. https://www.greenhousegrower.com/management/14-consumer-gardening-trends-that-have-stood-the-test-of-time/
Tham, SY. & Fleming, L. (2022). Victory gardens to pandemic victory gardens. Cultivate, 2(3), 7-9.
Thomas, M., Jensen, K., Velandia, M., Clark, C., English, B., Lambert, D. & Walker, F. (2020). Outdoor
home gardener preferences for environmental attributes in gardening supplies and use of ecofriendly gardening practices. HortTechnology, 30(5). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04672-20
Tilbert, J.C. & Kaptchuk, T.J. (2021). Herbal medicine research and global health: An ethical analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/86/8/07-042820/en/ https://doi.org/10.2471/BLT.07.042820
- (n.d.). For eco-conscious city dwellers, urban agriculture is one road to real impact. Agritecture.com. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2018/11/19/for-eco-conscious-city-dwellers-urban-agriculture-is-one-road-to-real-impact
The Global Coffee Crisis is Coming video presents current status of this crop, small scale growers & its impact
Houseplant Trends That Are Already Over video talks about specific plants
New Plants for 2022 from a garden company’s perspective – Supertunia Jazzberry, Colorblaze coleus, black coleus, Pesto Besto basil
2020 Global Plant-forward Culinary Summit and the Consumer bridges the familiar & unfamiliar
50 State Flower Gardens Project from AHS, American Grown Flowers and Foliage organization https://ahsgardening.org/50stateflowers/
Houseplant Trends That Are Already Over video talks about specific plants
New Plants for 2022 from a garden company’s perspective – Supertunia Jazzberry, Colorblaze coleus, black coleus, Pesto Besto basil
2020 Global Plant-forward Culinary Summit and the Consumer bridges the familiar & unfamiliar
50 State Flower Gardens Project from AHS, American Grown Flowers and Foliage organization https://ahsgardening.org/50stateflowers/
10 Ways Tech is Powering the Plant-based Food Revolution video highlights vegan meat, vegan oats milk, extraction process of protein from plants
Connect-2-Consumer/Marketing Munchies podcast, host Dr. Bridget Behe of Michigan State University.
Consumer Houseplant Purchasing Report (2021), shared by the American Floral Endowment
Garden Trends Report from Garden Media is a source for horticulture businesses & media
Greenhouse Grower website tracks consumer trends
PlantsDoThat/NICH (National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture) identifies benefits of plants
Connect-2-Consumer/Marketing Munchies podcast, host Dr. Bridget Behe of Michigan State University.
Consumer Houseplant Purchasing Report (2021), shared by the American Floral Endowment
Garden Trends Report from Garden Media is a source for horticulture businesses & media
Greenhouse Grower website tracks consumer trends
PlantsDoThat/NICH (National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture) identifies benefits of plants
Written & compiled by Lesley Fleming & Susan Morgan, updated Jan 2023
“Best practices for plant production related to diverse health issues including chemical sensitivities, water source contamination, children’s delayed cognitive development, and nutritional deficits (Mie et al., 2017), have influenced the green industry and its use of chemicals, GMO seeds, food borne pathogens and production practices, development of nutrient-dense food and more (Callejon et al., 2015)” (Fleming, 2021). These continue to evolve with collaborative efforts between government, educational institutions, businesses, consumers and horticulture/agriculture trade groups. Best practices involving pest management, soil, permaculture and biodynamic systems span a wide range of topics which can also impact human health.
“Best practices for plant production related to diverse health issues including chemical sensitivities, water source contamination, children’s delayed cognitive development, and nutritional deficits (Mie et al., 2017), have influenced the green industry and its use of chemicals, GMO seeds, food borne pathogens and production practices, development of nutrient-dense food and more (Callejon et al., 2015)” (Fleming, 2021). These continue to evolve with collaborative efforts between government, educational institutions, businesses, consumers and horticulture/agriculture trade groups. Best practices involving pest management, soil, permaculture and biodynamic systems span a wide range of topics which can also impact human health.
Key organizations
American Community Gardening Association
American Society for Horticultural Sciences
Biodynamic Association
Horticulture and Agriculture Professional Associations & Organizations
Seed Your Future
Soil Science Society of America
State Agricultural Schools
University Extension Services (county)
American Society for Horticultural Sciences
Biodynamic Association
Horticulture and Agriculture Professional Associations & Organizations
Seed Your Future
Soil Science Society of America
State Agricultural Schools
University Extension Services (county)
Books, journals & epublications ON HORTICULTURE BEST PRACTICES
Coleman, E. (2018). The New Organic Grower. A master’s manual of tools and techniques for home and
market gardener, 3rd edition. Chelsea Green Publishing.
Greenhouse Management magazine
Journal of ASHS
Nursery Management magazine
Milliken, S., Ovca, A., Villarroel, M., Gartmann, F., Antenen, N., Bulc, T. G., ... & Junge, R. (2022).
Lessons learned from introducing aquaponics to higher education curricula. In Enhancing Environmental Education Through Nature-Based Solutions (pp. 153-181). Springer, Cham.
Permaculture Design Magazine
Pettorelli, N., Durant, S.M., & Du Toit, J.T. (Eds.). (2019). Rewilding. Cambridge University Press.
Tallamy, D. (2019). Nature’s Best Hope. Timber Press.
Tallamy, D. W. (2007). Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens. Timber
Press. http://bringingnaturehome.net.
Trends in Plant Sciences
market gardener, 3rd edition. Chelsea Green Publishing.
Greenhouse Management magazine
Journal of ASHS
Nursery Management magazine
Milliken, S., Ovca, A., Villarroel, M., Gartmann, F., Antenen, N., Bulc, T. G., ... & Junge, R. (2022).
Lessons learned from introducing aquaponics to higher education curricula. In Enhancing Environmental Education Through Nature-Based Solutions (pp. 153-181). Springer, Cham.
Permaculture Design Magazine
Pettorelli, N., Durant, S.M., & Du Toit, J.T. (Eds.). (2019). Rewilding. Cambridge University Press.
Tallamy, D. (2019). Nature’s Best Hope. Timber Press.
Tallamy, D. W. (2007). Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens. Timber
Press. http://bringingnaturehome.net.
Trends in Plant Sciences
Recently published selected research & articles:
AlShrouf, A. (2017). Hydroponics, aeroponic and aquaponic as compared with conventional farming. Am Sci Res J Eng Technol Sci, 27(1):247–255.
Bagavathiannan, M.V., Graham, S., Ma, Z., Barney, J.N., Coutts, S.R., Caicedo, A.L., De Clerck-Floate, R., West, N.M., Blank, L., Metcalf, A.L., Lacoste, M., Moreno, C.R., Evans, J.A., Burke, I. & Beckie, H. (2019). Considering weed management as a social dilemma bridges individual and collective interests. Nat Plants, 5(4):343-351. doi: 10.1038/s41477-019-0395-y
Baker, J.M., Rojas-Valverde, D., Gutiérrez, R., Winkler, M., Fuhrimann, S. & Eskenazi, B. (2017).
Portable functional neuroimaging as an environmental epidemiology tool: A how-to guide for the use of fNIRS in field studies. Environ Health Perspect., 125, 094502. doi: 10.1289/EHP2049
Bennett, P. (2021). The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture and the role it plays in human
well-being. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Berning, E.H., Andersen, C.V.H., Mertz, O., Dickinson, N., Opgenorth, M, Lincoln, N.K., Rashford, J.H.
& Rønsted, N. (2022). Resilience of breadfruit agro-ecosystems in Hawai'i during the COVID-19 pandemic. CABI Agric Biosci., 3(1), 56. doi: 10.1186/s43170-022-00125-3
Burghardt, K.T., Tallamy, D.W. & Shriver, W.G. (2008). The impact of native plants on biodiversity in suburban landscapes. Conservation Biology, 23:219–244.
Callejon, R.M., Rodriguez-Naranjo, I., Ubeda, C., Homedo-Ortega, R., Garcia-Parrilla, M.C. & Troncoso, A.M. (2015). Reported outbreak due to fresh produce in United States and European Union: Trends and causes. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 12(1):32-38. https://doi.org/10.1089/fpd.2014.1821
Carroll, C. & Noss, R.F. (2021). Rewilding in the face of climate change. Conservation Biology, 35(1),
155-167. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13531
Carver, S., Convery, I., Hawkins, S., Beyers, R., Eagle, A., Kun, Z., ... & Soulé, M. (2021). Guiding
principles for rewilding. Conservation Biology, 35(6), 1882-1893. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13730
du Toit, J.T., & Pettorelli, N. (2019). The differences between rewilding and restoring an ecologically
degraded landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(11), 2467-2471. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13487
Earth Justice (2021). Chlorpyrifos the toxic pesticide harming our children and environment. https://earthjustice.org/features/what-you-need-to-know-about-chlorpyrifos
Fleming, L. (2021). Horticulture for health framework. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International
People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Ghannem, A., Ben Aissa, I. & Majdoub, R. (2021). Effects of regulated deficit irrigation applied at different growth stages of greenhouse grown tomato on substrate moisture, yield, fruit quality, and physiological traits. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int., 28(34):46553-46564. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-10407-w
Harris, B.A., Florkowski, W.J. & Pennisi, S.V. (2020). Horticulture industry adoption of biodegradable
containers. Hort Technology, 30(3). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04563-19
Ingram, D.L., Hall, C.R. & Knight, J. (2019). Understanding carbon footprint in production and use
of landscape plants. HortTechnology, 29(1), 6-10. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04220-18
Kobori, H., Dickinson, J.L., Washitani, I., Sakurai, R., Amano, T., Komatsu, N., Kitamura, W., Takagawa,
S., Koyama, K., Ogawara, T. & Miller-Rushing, A.J. (2015). Citizen science: A new approach to advance ecology, education, and conservation. Ecological Research, 31(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11284-015-1314-y
Kim, D.Y., Kadam, A., Shinde, S., Saratale, R.G., Patra, J. & Ghodake, G. (2018). Recent developments
in nanotechnology transforming the agricultural sector: A transition replete with opportunities. J Sci Food Agric., 98(3):849-864. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8749
Knuth, M.J., Behe, B.K., Huddleston, P.T., Hall, C.R., Fernandez, R.T. & Khachatryan, H. (2020).
Water conserving message influences purchasing decision of consumers. Water, 12(12), 3487. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w12123487
Kulhanek, K., Steinhauer, N., Wilkes, J., Wilson, M., Spivak, M., Sagili, R.R., Tarpy, D.R., McDermott, E., Garavito, A., Rennich, K. & van Engelsdorp, D. (2021). Survey-derived best management practices for backyard beekeepers improve colony health and reduce mortality. PLoS One, 16(1):e0245490. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245490
Mack, R., Owen Jr., J.S., Niemiera, A.X. & Sample, D.J. (2019). Validation of nursery and greenhouse
best management practices through scientific evidence. HortTechnology, 29(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04303-19
Mangadu, T., Kelly, M., Orezzoli, M.C.E., Gallegos, R. & Matharasi, P. (2017). Best practices for community gardening in a US-Mexico border community. Health Promot Int., 32(6):1001-1014. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw025
Marin, A., Baldwin, E.A., Bai, J., Wood, D., Ference, C., Sun, X., Brecht, J.D. & Plotto, A. (2021). Edible
coatings as carriers of antibrowning compounds to maintain appealing appearance of fresh-cut mango. HortTechnology, 31(1). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04687-20
Markham, C. (2023, January). Horticulture hearing: Peat moss shortage catches Congress’ attention.
Greenhouse Management. https://www.greenhousemag.com/article/peat-moss-shortage-congress/
Mie, A., Andersen, H.R., Gunnarsson, S., Kahl, J., Kesse-Guyot, E., Rembiałkowska, E., Quaglio, G. & Grandjean, P. (2017). Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture: A comprehensive review. Environmental Health, 16:111. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-017-0315-4
Park, S.A., Kim, S.O., Son, S.Y. & Lee, C.H. (2021). A preliminary study on physiological changes of
human during soil-mixing activity according to the presence of soil microorganism: Metabolomics approach. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Pollard, G., Roetman, P. & Ward, J. (2017). The case for citizen science in urban agriculture research.
Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society, 5(3).
Raaijmakers, J.M., & Kiers, E.T. (2022). Rewilding plant microbiomes. Science, 378(6620), 599-600.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abn6350
Rajwade, J.M., Chikte, R.G. & Paknikar, K.M. (2020). Nanomaterials: New weapons in a crusade against phytopathogens. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 104(4):1437-1461. doi: 10.1007/s00253-019-10334-y
RHS. (n.d.). RHS Hilltop – the home of gardening science. RHS.org.uk.
Riccio, P. (2022). Breeding better herbs. The American Gardener, 101(2), 30-35.
Rihn, A.L., Hall, C.R., Peterson, B.J., Torres, A.P., Palma, M.A.& Khachatryan, H. (2021). Changes in
production practices by green industry growers from 2009 to 2019. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 39(3), 123-130. https://doi.org/10.24266/0738-2898-39.3.123
Santamouris, M. & Osmond, P. (2020). Increasing green infrastructure in cities: Impact on ambient
temperature, air quality and heat-related mortality and morbidity. Buildings, 10(12), 233. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings10120233
Schutte, B.J., Sanchez, A.D., Beck, L.L. & Idowu, O.J. (2021). False seedbeds reduce labor
requirements for weeding in chile pepper. HortTechnology, 31(1).
Soil Science Society of America. (2021). Community gardens. https://www.soils.org/about-soils/community-gardens/
Tallamy, D.W., Mitchell, A. & Narango, D.L. (2020). Do introduced plants cause insect population declines? Ecological Entomology, 46(4):729-742. https://doi.org/10.1111/een.12973
Tallamy, D. (2017). Creating living landscapes: Why we need to increase plant/insect linkages in
designed landscapes. HortTechnology, 27, 446-452. 10.21273/HORTTECH03699-17.
Warner, L.A., Diaz, J.M., Osborne, E.W., Oi, F. & Reed, C.N. (2021). Evaluating connections between personal well-being and adoption of landscape best management practices: An audience segmentation study. J Environ Manage, 302(Pt A):113959. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113959
White, A., Fant, J.B., Havens, K., Skinner, M. & Kramer, A.T. (2018). Restoring species diversity:
Assessing capacity in the U.S. native plant industry. Restor. Ecol., 26, 605-611.
White, S.A., Owen, J.S., Majsztrik, J.C., Oki, L.R., Fisher, P.R., Hall, C.R., Lea-Cox, J.D., et al. (2019).
Greenhouse and nursery water management characterization and research priorities in the USA. Water, 11(11), 2338. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11112338
Wilson, S.B., Geneve, R.L. & Davies, F.T. (2018). An online study tool for reviewing plant propagation
terms and concepts. HortTechnology, 28(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04184-18
Zhang, X., Khachatryan, H. & Knuth, M. (2021). Relating knowledge and perception of sustainable
landscape practices to the adoption intention of environmentally friendly landscapes. Sustainability, 13(24). http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su132414070
Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent the introduction or establishment of Phytophthora ramorum in nurseries from Oregon State University (2021).
Denver Urban Gardens (D.U.G.). (2012). Growing Community Gardens: A Denver Urban Gardens’ best practices handbook for creating and sustaining community gardens. https://dug.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Best-Practices.pdf
Farmers in the Netherlands are growing more food using less resources
Plant Health and IPM from NYSIPM Vegetable Garden Conference with speaker Don Gabel, Director of Plant Health, The New York Botanical Garden.
Vegetable Resources> Chapter IV: Cultural practices from Texas Vegetable Growers Handbook.
Denver Urban Gardens (D.U.G.). (2012). Growing Community Gardens: A Denver Urban Gardens’ best practices handbook for creating and sustaining community gardens. https://dug.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Best-Practices.pdf
Farmers in the Netherlands are growing more food using less resources
Plant Health and IPM from NYSIPM Vegetable Garden Conference with speaker Don Gabel, Director of Plant Health, The New York Botanical Garden.
Vegetable Resources> Chapter IV: Cultural practices from Texas Vegetable Growers Handbook.
Best Practices: Postharvest Water Sample Collection webinar from University of Georgia’s Laurel Dunn.
Growing Change video shares pesticide challenges to health, focusing on healthy food & healthy workers.
Doug Tallamy: Restoring Nature’s Relationships at Home. (2021) Living Landscape Speaker Series.
Planting: Best Practices webinar (on trees & shrubs) from Conservation Garden Park.
Growing Change video shares pesticide challenges to health, focusing on healthy food & healthy workers.
Doug Tallamy: Restoring Nature’s Relationships at Home. (2021) Living Landscape Speaker Series.
Planting: Best Practices webinar (on trees & shrubs) from Conservation Garden Park.
Related organizations
Written & compiled by Lesley Fleming & Susan Morgan, updated Jan 2023
“Advances in horticulture technology and digital tools support higher yields, better monitoring of food production and processing systems, and lesser environmental footprint, each with its own impact on health in addition to impacts on human labor typically used in the horticulture industry (Sulecki, 2016)” (Fleming, 2021). Many of these technology tools are used primarily in agriculture, but have applications for smaller scale operations including horticulture. They indicate future directions for use across sectors.
“Advances in horticulture technology and digital tools support higher yields, better monitoring of food production and processing systems, and lesser environmental footprint, each with its own impact on health in addition to impacts on human labor typically used in the horticulture industry (Sulecki, 2016)” (Fleming, 2021). Many of these technology tools are used primarily in agriculture, but have applications for smaller scale operations including horticulture. They indicate future directions for use across sectors.
Key organizations
Books, journals & epublications ON TECHNOLOGY TOOLS
AFN news site for foodtech & agtech industry
AgrAbility (2020). The Toolbox Assistive Technology Database
Agritecture epub
Alsanius, B.W., Jirström, M., Naznin, M.T., Khalil, S. & Ekström, E.C. (2020). Optimizing horticulture
for urban agriculture. In Achieving Sustainable Urban Agriculture (pp. 223-280). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
Avgoustaki, D.D. & Xydis, G. (2020). How energy innovation in indoor vertical farming can improve
food security, sustainability, and food safety? In Advances in Food Security and Sustainability, 5, 1-51. Elsevier.
Food Technology magazine
Greenhouse Grower magazine
Greenhouse Product News magazine
Halleck, L.F. (2018). Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers. Timber Press,
Portland, OR
People Plant Planet journal
Solankey, S.S., Akhtar, S., Maldonado, A.I.L., Rodriguez-Fuentes, H., Contreras, J.A.V. & Reyes, J.
M.M. (Eds.). (2020). Urban Horticulture: Necessity of the Future. BoD–Books on Demand.
AgrAbility (2020). The Toolbox Assistive Technology Database
Agritecture epub
Alsanius, B.W., Jirström, M., Naznin, M.T., Khalil, S. & Ekström, E.C. (2020). Optimizing horticulture
for urban agriculture. In Achieving Sustainable Urban Agriculture (pp. 223-280). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
Avgoustaki, D.D. & Xydis, G. (2020). How energy innovation in indoor vertical farming can improve
food security, sustainability, and food safety? In Advances in Food Security and Sustainability, 5, 1-51. Elsevier.
Food Technology magazine
Greenhouse Grower magazine
Greenhouse Product News magazine
Halleck, L.F. (2018). Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers. Timber Press,
Portland, OR
People Plant Planet journal
Solankey, S.S., Akhtar, S., Maldonado, A.I.L., Rodriguez-Fuentes, H., Contreras, J.A.V. & Reyes, J.
M.M. (Eds.). (2020). Urban Horticulture: Necessity of the Future. BoD–Books on Demand.
Research & articles on TECHNOLOGY TOOLS
Recently published selected research & articles:
Airhart, E. (2019). The Instagram-famous plant that used to be impossible to find. Vox.
Ariesen-Verschuur, N., Verdouw, C. & Tekinerdogan, B. (2022). Digital twins in greenhouse
horticulture: A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 199, 107183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2022.107183
Askew, K. (2021). ‘It is the next logical step of the food transition’: How fermentation can help solve the ‘protein crisis’. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/10/27/How-fermentation-can-help-solve-the-protein-crisis
Atwa, S.M.H., Ibrahim, M.G., Saleh, A.M. & Murata, R. (2019). Development of sustainable landscape
design guidelines for a green business park using virtual reality. Sustainable Cities and Society, 48, 101543.
Bandehali, S., Miri, T., Onyeaka, H. & Kumar, P. (2021). Current state of indoor air phytoremediation
using potted plants and green walls. Atmosphere, 12(4), 473. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12040473
Boatswain, J.A.A., Adamchuk, V.I., Park, J., Cloutier, G., Clark, J.J. & Miller, C. (2021). Towards a machine vision-based yield monitor for the counting and quality mapping of shallots. Front Robot AI., 8:627067. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.627067
Fanelli, V., Mascio, I., Miazzi, M.M., Savoia, M.A., De Giovanni, C. & Montemurro, C. (2021). Molecular approaches to agri-food traceability and authentication: An updated review. Foods, 10(7):1644. doi: 10.3390/foods10071644
Fleming, L. (2021). Horticulture for health framework. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International
People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: the Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Hollands, J. & Korjenic, A. (2021). Indirect economic effects of vertical indoor green in the context of
reduced sick leave in offices. Sustainability, 13(4), 2256. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13042256
Jackson, B. (2021). Current and future growing media supply and demand challenges. Greenhouse Product News.
Karacor, G. (2021). The collective power of greenhouse data and plant science. Greenhouse Grower.
Khan, M.M., Akram, M.T., Janke, R., Qadri, R.W K., Al-Sadi, A.M. & Farooque, A.A. (2020). Urban
horticulture for food secure cities through and beyond COVID-19. Sustainability, 12(22), 9592. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su12229592
Koukounaras, A. (2020). Advanced greenhouse horticulture: New technologies and cultivation
practices. Horticulturae, 7(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7010001
Kim, C.T., Maeng, J.S., Shin,, W.S., Shim, I.C, Oh, S.I., Jo, Y.H., Kim, J.H. & Kim, C.J. (2017). Food 3D-
printing technology and its application in the food industry. Food Eng Prog., 21, 12–21.
Kraakman, N.J.R., González-Martín, J., Pérez, C., Lebrero, R. & Muñoz, R. (2021). Recent advances in
biological systems for improving indoor air quality. Reviews in Environmental Science and
Bio/Technology, 20(2), 363-387.
Larson, J.L., Dale, A., Held, D., McGraw, B., Richmond, D.S., Wickings, K. & Chris Williamson, R. (2017).
Optimizing pest management practices to conserve pollinators in turf landscapes: Current practices and future research needs. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 8(1).
Malochleb, M. (2021). Boosting the benefits of apples; 3D-bioprinting stimulates Wagyu beef. Food Technology Magazine. https://www.ift.org/news-and-publications/food-technology-magazine/issues/2021/november/departments/news-apples-3d-bioprinting-wagyu
Moussa, R.R., Mahmoud, A.H. & Hatem, T.M. (2020). A digital tool for integrating renewable energy
devices within landscape elements: Energy-scape online application. Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, 119932.
Nansen, C., Purington, R. & Murdock. M. (2021). Using advanced optical sensing to quantify
phytotoxicity in ornamental plants. Hort Technology, 31(4). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04866-21
Pichlhöfer, A., Sesto, E., Hollands, J. & Korjenic, A. (2021). Health-related benefits of different
indoor plant species in a school setting. Sustainability, 13(17), 9566. (includes living walls) https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179566
Raclariu-Manolică, A.C., Anmarkrud, J.A., Kierczak, M., Rafati, N., Thorbek, B.L.G., Schrøder-Nielsen, A. & de Boer, H.J. (2021). DNA metabarcoding for quality control of basil, oregano, and paprika. Front Plant Sci., 12:665618. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.665618
Reddy R.V.S.K., Omprasad J. & Janakiram T. (2022). Technological innovations in commercial high
tech horticulture, vertical farming and landscaping. International Journal of Innovative Horticulture, 11(1), 78-91. doi: 10.5958/2582-2527.2022.00008.2
Robson, T.M., Pieriste, M., Durand, M., Kotilainen, T.K. & Aphalo, P.J. (2022). The benefits of
informed management of sunlight in production greenhouses and polytunnels. Plants People Planet, 4(3).
Shubha, K., Mukherjee, A., Tamata, M., Raju, N. & Koley, T.K. (2019). Vertical farming of high value
horticultural crops. ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, 35.
Solis-Toapanta, E., Kirilenko, A. & Gómez, C. (2020). Indoor gardening with hydroponics: A Reddit
community analysis to identify knowledge gaps. HortTechnology, 30(3), 346-355. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04574-20
Southey, F. (2021). ‘Welding’ tech eliminates sugar binders in snacks category: ‘We’re the game changer of the snacking industry’. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/11/08/Torr-Foodtech-eliminates-sugar-binders-with-welding-technology-for-the-snacks-sector
Sulecki, J. (2016). Five trends in horticulture technology. AgFunder News. https://agfundernews.com/five-trends-horticulture-technology.html
- (2018). 10 exciting tech developments in horticulture (as seen in The Netherlands). Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHBD). https://ahdb.org.uk/news/10-exciting-tech-developments-in-horticulture-as-seen-in-the-netherlands
- (2019). New wave of agtech startups are putting robots in the fields. Agritecture. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2019/1/9/new-wave-of-agtech-startups-are-putting-robots-in-the-fields
- (2021). How greenhouses are enabling hurricane-resilient farming in Puerto Rico. Agritecture. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2021/10/18/how-greenhouses-are-enabling-hurricane-resilient-farming-in-puerto-rico
- (2021). 7 ways urban agriculture can transform unused spaces. Agritecture. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2021/10/11/7-ways-urban-agriculture-can-transform-unused-spaces
- (2021). 4 trends in high-tech horticulture. Panasonic. https://na.panasonic.com/us/trends/4-trends-high-tech-horticulture
- (2021). Food tech startup Planted Foods causes a stir in Berlin with giant chicken made of plants. Vegconomist.com. https://vegconomist.com/marketing-and-media/food-tech-startup-planted-foods-causes-a-stir-in-berlin-with-giant-chicken-made-of-plants/
- (2021). Atoll nation of Tuvalu adopts ‘cubes’ to step up nutritious food production. Agritecuture.com. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2021/11/30/atoll-nation-of-tuvalu-adopts-cubes-to-step-up-nutritious-food-production
- (2022). Feeding students on the go with 21st century technology. TrayTalk. https://traytalk.org/2018/07/24/feeding-students-on-the-go-with-21st-century-technology/#more-4215
- (2022). Specialty equipment helps CA district serve 24,000 school meals a day. TrayTalk. https://traytalk.org/2017/08/24/specialty-equipment-helps-ca-district-serve-24000-school-meals-a-day/#more-2245
Suman, M. & Bhatnagar, P. (2019). Urban horticulture prospective to secure food provisions in urban
and peri-urban environments. Int. J. Pure Appl. Biosci, 7, 133-140.
Van Gerrewey, T., Boon, N. & Geelen, D. (2022). Vertical farming: The only way is up? Agronomy,
12(1), 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010002
Walters, K.J., Behe, B K., Currey, C.J. & Lopez, R.G. (2020). Historical, current, and future
perspectives for controlled environment hydroponic food crop production in the United States. HortScience, 55(6), 758-767. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14901-20
Airhart, E. (2019). The Instagram-famous plant that used to be impossible to find. Vox.
Ariesen-Verschuur, N., Verdouw, C. & Tekinerdogan, B. (2022). Digital twins in greenhouse
horticulture: A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 199, 107183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2022.107183
Askew, K. (2021). ‘It is the next logical step of the food transition’: How fermentation can help solve the ‘protein crisis’. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/10/27/How-fermentation-can-help-solve-the-protein-crisis
Atwa, S.M.H., Ibrahim, M.G., Saleh, A.M. & Murata, R. (2019). Development of sustainable landscape
design guidelines for a green business park using virtual reality. Sustainable Cities and Society, 48, 101543.
Bandehali, S., Miri, T., Onyeaka, H. & Kumar, P. (2021). Current state of indoor air phytoremediation
using potted plants and green walls. Atmosphere, 12(4), 473. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12040473
Boatswain, J.A.A., Adamchuk, V.I., Park, J., Cloutier, G., Clark, J.J. & Miller, C. (2021). Towards a machine vision-based yield monitor for the counting and quality mapping of shallots. Front Robot AI., 8:627067. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.627067
Fanelli, V., Mascio, I., Miazzi, M.M., Savoia, M.A., De Giovanni, C. & Montemurro, C. (2021). Molecular approaches to agri-food traceability and authentication: An updated review. Foods, 10(7):1644. doi: 10.3390/foods10071644
Fleming, L. (2021). Horticulture for health framework. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International
People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: the Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Hollands, J. & Korjenic, A. (2021). Indirect economic effects of vertical indoor green in the context of
reduced sick leave in offices. Sustainability, 13(4), 2256. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13042256
Jackson, B. (2021). Current and future growing media supply and demand challenges. Greenhouse Product News.
Karacor, G. (2021). The collective power of greenhouse data and plant science. Greenhouse Grower.
Khan, M.M., Akram, M.T., Janke, R., Qadri, R.W K., Al-Sadi, A.M. & Farooque, A.A. (2020). Urban
horticulture for food secure cities through and beyond COVID-19. Sustainability, 12(22), 9592. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su12229592
Koukounaras, A. (2020). Advanced greenhouse horticulture: New technologies and cultivation
practices. Horticulturae, 7(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7010001
Kim, C.T., Maeng, J.S., Shin,, W.S., Shim, I.C, Oh, S.I., Jo, Y.H., Kim, J.H. & Kim, C.J. (2017). Food 3D-
printing technology and its application in the food industry. Food Eng Prog., 21, 12–21.
Kraakman, N.J.R., González-Martín, J., Pérez, C., Lebrero, R. & Muñoz, R. (2021). Recent advances in
biological systems for improving indoor air quality. Reviews in Environmental Science and
Bio/Technology, 20(2), 363-387.
Larson, J.L., Dale, A., Held, D., McGraw, B., Richmond, D.S., Wickings, K. & Chris Williamson, R. (2017).
Optimizing pest management practices to conserve pollinators in turf landscapes: Current practices and future research needs. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 8(1).
Malochleb, M. (2021). Boosting the benefits of apples; 3D-bioprinting stimulates Wagyu beef. Food Technology Magazine. https://www.ift.org/news-and-publications/food-technology-magazine/issues/2021/november/departments/news-apples-3d-bioprinting-wagyu
Moussa, R.R., Mahmoud, A.H. & Hatem, T.M. (2020). A digital tool for integrating renewable energy
devices within landscape elements: Energy-scape online application. Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, 119932.
Nansen, C., Purington, R. & Murdock. M. (2021). Using advanced optical sensing to quantify
phytotoxicity in ornamental plants. Hort Technology, 31(4). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04866-21
Pichlhöfer, A., Sesto, E., Hollands, J. & Korjenic, A. (2021). Health-related benefits of different
indoor plant species in a school setting. Sustainability, 13(17), 9566. (includes living walls) https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179566
Raclariu-Manolică, A.C., Anmarkrud, J.A., Kierczak, M., Rafati, N., Thorbek, B.L.G., Schrøder-Nielsen, A. & de Boer, H.J. (2021). DNA metabarcoding for quality control of basil, oregano, and paprika. Front Plant Sci., 12:665618. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.665618
Reddy R.V.S.K., Omprasad J. & Janakiram T. (2022). Technological innovations in commercial high
tech horticulture, vertical farming and landscaping. International Journal of Innovative Horticulture, 11(1), 78-91. doi: 10.5958/2582-2527.2022.00008.2
Robson, T.M., Pieriste, M., Durand, M., Kotilainen, T.K. & Aphalo, P.J. (2022). The benefits of
informed management of sunlight in production greenhouses and polytunnels. Plants People Planet, 4(3).
Shubha, K., Mukherjee, A., Tamata, M., Raju, N. & Koley, T.K. (2019). Vertical farming of high value
horticultural crops. ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, 35.
Solis-Toapanta, E., Kirilenko, A. & Gómez, C. (2020). Indoor gardening with hydroponics: A Reddit
community analysis to identify knowledge gaps. HortTechnology, 30(3), 346-355. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04574-20
Southey, F. (2021). ‘Welding’ tech eliminates sugar binders in snacks category: ‘We’re the game changer of the snacking industry’. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/11/08/Torr-Foodtech-eliminates-sugar-binders-with-welding-technology-for-the-snacks-sector
Sulecki, J. (2016). Five trends in horticulture technology. AgFunder News. https://agfundernews.com/five-trends-horticulture-technology.html
- (2018). 10 exciting tech developments in horticulture (as seen in The Netherlands). Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHBD). https://ahdb.org.uk/news/10-exciting-tech-developments-in-horticulture-as-seen-in-the-netherlands
- (2019). New wave of agtech startups are putting robots in the fields. Agritecture. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2019/1/9/new-wave-of-agtech-startups-are-putting-robots-in-the-fields
- (2021). How greenhouses are enabling hurricane-resilient farming in Puerto Rico. Agritecture. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2021/10/18/how-greenhouses-are-enabling-hurricane-resilient-farming-in-puerto-rico
- (2021). 7 ways urban agriculture can transform unused spaces. Agritecture. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2021/10/11/7-ways-urban-agriculture-can-transform-unused-spaces
- (2021). 4 trends in high-tech horticulture. Panasonic. https://na.panasonic.com/us/trends/4-trends-high-tech-horticulture
- (2021). Food tech startup Planted Foods causes a stir in Berlin with giant chicken made of plants. Vegconomist.com. https://vegconomist.com/marketing-and-media/food-tech-startup-planted-foods-causes-a-stir-in-berlin-with-giant-chicken-made-of-plants/
- (2021). Atoll nation of Tuvalu adopts ‘cubes’ to step up nutritious food production. Agritecuture.com. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2021/11/30/atoll-nation-of-tuvalu-adopts-cubes-to-step-up-nutritious-food-production
- (2022). Feeding students on the go with 21st century technology. TrayTalk. https://traytalk.org/2018/07/24/feeding-students-on-the-go-with-21st-century-technology/#more-4215
- (2022). Specialty equipment helps CA district serve 24,000 school meals a day. TrayTalk. https://traytalk.org/2017/08/24/specialty-equipment-helps-ca-district-serve-24000-school-meals-a-day/#more-2245
Suman, M. & Bhatnagar, P. (2019). Urban horticulture prospective to secure food provisions in urban
and peri-urban environments. Int. J. Pure Appl. Biosci, 7, 133-140.
Van Gerrewey, T., Boon, N. & Geelen, D. (2022). Vertical farming: The only way is up? Agronomy,
12(1), 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010002
Walters, K.J., Behe, B K., Currey, C.J. & Lopez, R.G. (2020). Historical, current, and future
perspectives for controlled environment hydroponic food crop production in the United States. HortScience, 55(6), 758-767. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14901-20
Growing Underground in London, England is the latest hydroponic technology growing pesticide-free produce 33 meters below city streets.
Harvest Croo Robotics, a Florida-based company is developing berry picking bots.
15 Modern Farming Technologies that are next level focuses on farming with fish farming, pests, self-driving tractors, food waste b2b marketplace, with applications for horticulture.
Harvest Croo Robotics, a Florida-based company is developing berry picking bots.
15 Modern Farming Technologies that are next level focuses on farming with fish farming, pests, self-driving tractors, food waste b2b marketplace, with applications for horticulture.
Videos & webinars oN TECHNOLOGY TOOLS
Aerofarms video demonstrates cutting-edge technology in tour of indoor vertical farms.
Exploring Plant-based Food Innovation Using High Pressure Processing (HPP) Technology webinar.
Farmers in the Netherlands are Growing More Food Using Less Resources.
Learn about Food Science video provides history of discipline, technology components & more.
Exploring Plant-based Food Innovation Using High Pressure Processing (HPP) Technology webinar.
Farmers in the Netherlands are Growing More Food Using Less Resources.
Learn about Food Science video provides history of discipline, technology components & more.
Related organizations
Written & compiled by Lesley Fleming & Susan Morgan, updated Jan 2023
“Business innovations continue to emerge within the horticultural and agricultural fields, for processes and products that provide edible and ornamental plants appealing to consumers interested in healthier lifestyle choices including plant-based alternative foods, availability (and techniques to hasten maturity) of fruit, and use of refurbished shipping containers for hydroponic plant production for example (Innovacorp, 2017; Innovacorp, 2018; Very Local Greens, n.d.)” (Fleming, 2021). Innovations are being developed by start-ups, social enterprises, and business ventures that are committed to improving food access, interested in the exploding plant-based food sector, and the plant-based movement. Another facet of plant-based businesses are those that provide services, for example, marketplace platforms and interiorscaping, which are also seeing rapid growth. Plant-based products are now considered to be a key driver of sales growth at grocery retailers nationwide in the U.S., growing almost twice as fast as overall food sales in this $7 billion market (Good Food Institute, 2021). “Covid-19 pandemic fueled massive growth in the green industry” (Beeson, 2020).
“Business innovations continue to emerge within the horticultural and agricultural fields, for processes and products that provide edible and ornamental plants appealing to consumers interested in healthier lifestyle choices including plant-based alternative foods, availability (and techniques to hasten maturity) of fruit, and use of refurbished shipping containers for hydroponic plant production for example (Innovacorp, 2017; Innovacorp, 2018; Very Local Greens, n.d.)” (Fleming, 2021). Innovations are being developed by start-ups, social enterprises, and business ventures that are committed to improving food access, interested in the exploding plant-based food sector, and the plant-based movement. Another facet of plant-based businesses are those that provide services, for example, marketplace platforms and interiorscaping, which are also seeing rapid growth. Plant-based products are now considered to be a key driver of sales growth at grocery retailers nationwide in the U.S., growing almost twice as fast as overall food sales in this $7 billion market (Good Food Institute, 2021). “Covid-19 pandemic fueled massive growth in the green industry” (Beeson, 2020).
Key organizations
Books, journals & epublications ON PLANT-BASED BUSINESSES
Food Business News website identifies companies, trends, & product development
Food Science and Technology International
Hindley, C., Legrand, W. & Zaslavskaya, A. (2023). Biophilic design in the hospitality industry: A
window into back of house workspaces. In Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 18, 1-15. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Morning AgClips.com
Vegconomist business magazine
Food Science and Technology International
Hindley, C., Legrand, W. & Zaslavskaya, A. (2023). Biophilic design in the hospitality industry: A
window into back of house workspaces. In Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 18, 1-15. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Morning AgClips.com
Vegconomist business magazine
Research & articles on PLANT-BASED BUSINESSES
Recently published selected research & articles:
Abreu, Y. M. (2015). Reconnecting New York City with nature: Hotel lobbies as a model for
implementing biophilic design elements in the urban landscape. Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York.
Alsaffar, A.A. (2016). Sustainable diets: The interaction between food industry, nutrition, health and the environment. Food Sci Technol Int. 22(2):102-11. doi: 10.1177/1082013215572029
Ban, C. (2015). 10 innovative composting ideas. Edison Nation. https://blog.edisonnation.com/2015/08/10-innovative-composting-ideas/
Beeson, L. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic fueled massive growth in green industry. USA Today.
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). (2019). Real personal consumption expenditures by type of product, quantity indexes. https://apps.bea.gov/itable/index.cfm
Elkin, E. & Bloomberg. (2021). Plant-based food sales are expected to increase fivefold by 2030. Fortune.com. https://fortune.com/2021/08/11/plant-based-food-sales-meat-dairy-alternatives-increase-by-2030/
Etheredge, C.L. & Waliczek, T.M. (2020). Perceptions of environmental health and willingness to
compost fresh cut floral waste by retail flower shop owners. HortTechnology, 30(6). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04724-20
Fleming, L. (2021). Horticulture for health framework. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1330: XV International
People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development.
Foxx, M. (2021). NotCo, Three Wishes, and 2Betties among 7 rapidly growing plant-based food companies. Forbes.com https://www.forbes.com/sites/meimeifox/2021/11/12/notco-three-wishes-and-2betties-among-7-rapidly-growing-plant-based-food-companies/?sh=6a30958a6b5e
Fungicides, B.B. (2017). Significance to the horticulture industry. Mental, 35(4), 128-137.
Good Food Institute. (2021). U.S. retail market data for the plant-based industry. https://gfi.org/marketresearch/
Guth, D.J. (2021). The cost of doing business. Nursery Management. https://www.nurserymag.com/article/the-cost-of-doing-business/
Hall, C.R. & Knuth, M.J. (2019). An update of the literature supporting the well-being benefits of plants: Part 4 – available resources and usage of plant benefits information. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 38(2):68-72.
Innovacorp. (2017). Spark winners 2017. https://innovacorp.ca/news/spark-winners-2017
Innovacorp. (2018). Spark winners 2018. https://innovacorp.ca/news/spark-winners-2018
Markham, C. (2022). Noble endeavors: A Wisconsin nonprofit built a greenhouse operation to employ
adults with disabilities. Greenhouse Management,
Marquis, C. (2021). Plant-based foods are our future and entrepreneurs are helping us make the shift. Forbes.com. https://www.forbes.com/sites/christophermarquis/2021/03/02/plant-based-foods-are-our-future-and-entrepreneurs-are-helping-us-make-the-shift/?sh=275d058b51f5
McClelland, M. & Rodda, K. (2021). More money matters. Nursery Management.
Moore, T. (2022). New medicinal plants course addresses industry needs. Morning AgClips.com.
Nunes, K. (2021). 1-800 Flowers adds better-for-you options with acquisition. Food Business News.net. https://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/19923--800-flowerscom-adds-better-for-you-options-with-acquisition
Rubio-Licht, N. (2021). LA companies set the pace in fast-growing natural food, plant-based industries. LA Business Journal. https://labusinessjournal.com/news/2021/jun/28/la-sets-pace-natural-plant-based-food-industries/
Samuel, P., Ayoob, K.T., Magnuson, B.A., Wölwer-Rieck, U., Jeppesen, P.B., Rogers, P.J., Rowland, I. & Mathews, R. (2018). Stevia leaf to stevia sweetener: Exploring its science, benefits, and future potential. J Nutr., 148(7):1186S-1205S. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy102
Shoup, M.E. (2021). Good Food Institute calls for massive public funding into alternative proteins r&d. Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/09/24/Good-Food-Institute-calls-for-massive-public-funding-into-alternative-proteins-R-D
Southey, F. (2021). ‘Hybrids are coming’: Making the case for cell-cultured and plant-based blends.
Food Navigator.com. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/09/21/Hybrids-are-coming-Making-the-case-for-cell-cultured-and-plant-based-blends
Specht, K., Zoll, F., Schümann, H., Bela, J., Kachel, J. & Robischon, M. (2019). How will we eat and
produce in the cities of the future? From edible insects to vertical farming—a study on the perception and acceptability of new approaches. Sustainability, 11(16), 4315. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11164315
Very Local Greens. (n.d.). Very local greens. http://www.verylocalgreens.com/
- (n.d.). This Florida nonprofit converts lawns into micro-farms. Agritecture. https://www.agritecture.com/blog/2019/3/7/this-florida-nonprofit-converts-lawns-into-micro-farms
- (2021). Delivery service Plant Infusion expands across UK after initial launch drives national demand. Vegconomist.com. https://vegconomist.com/food-and-beverage/delivery-service-plant-infusion-expands-across-uk-after-initial-launch-drives-national-demand/
- (2021). French plant-based producer Roquette will open “world’s largest” pea protein plant in Canada. Vegconomist.com. https://vegconomist.com/companies-and-portraits/french-plant-based-producer-roquette-will-open-worlds-largest-pea-protein-plant-in-canada/
There are increasing numbers of plant-based businesses, particularly in the food sector. Their websites are used to market their products so their link has not been included here: Purvis, The Meatless Farm, Roquette, Planted, Oatly, Barvecue, No Evil Foods, Impossible Foods among others.
A Career in Horticulture: Making a Living Growing Plants – a perspective from a nursery business owner
Aerofarms, a certified B corporation, uses indoor vertical farming, artificial intelligence and plant biology to improve food systems, food accessibility, & nutrition while promoting food traceability & food safety in the industry.
Agripublica is a vertical urban farming start-up using vacant office space in NY to create hyper-local farming operations.
Babylon indoor farming demonstrates how consumers can grow produce in residential, hospital, resort & corporate settings as a means of better food traceability & safety.
Imperfect Foods and Misfits Market, among others, sell less-than-market-perfect, slightly bruised and misshapen produce in an effort to reduce food costs and farm waste.
Smallhold Specialty Mushrooms has invented proprietary technologies for this food product.
The Sill is an online houseplant delivery service, with retail storefronts across the U.S., and markets “plant parenthood” as a lifestyle choice.
Underground farm Le Champignon de Bruxelles grows mushrooms in the cellars of Cureghem using organic waste for nutritious mushrooms integrating urban agriculture, circular economy & nutritious food.
A Career in Horticulture: Making a Living Growing Plants – a perspective from a nursery business owner
Aerofarms, a certified B corporation, uses indoor vertical farming, artificial intelligence and plant biology to improve food systems, food accessibility, & nutrition while promoting food traceability & food safety in the industry.
Agripublica is a vertical urban farming start-up using vacant office space in NY to create hyper-local farming operations.
Babylon indoor farming demonstrates how consumers can grow produce in residential, hospital, resort & corporate settings as a means of better food traceability & safety.
Imperfect Foods and Misfits Market, among others, sell less-than-market-perfect, slightly bruised and misshapen produce in an effort to reduce food costs and farm waste.
Smallhold Specialty Mushrooms has invented proprietary technologies for this food product.
The Sill is an online houseplant delivery service, with retail storefronts across the U.S., and markets “plant parenthood” as a lifestyle choice.
Underground farm Le Champignon de Bruxelles grows mushrooms in the cellars of Cureghem using organic waste for nutritious mushrooms integrating urban agriculture, circular economy & nutritious food.
Fleet Farming offers a range of services including gardening & composting virtual classes, garden installation, & school gardening programs.
Top 10 companies in plant based food market
Webinar: Doing business under difficult circumstances – finding the resources you need from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture.
Top 10 companies in plant based food market
Webinar: Doing business under difficult circumstances – finding the resources you need from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture.
Related organizations
Bridge2Food is an industry & technical community for plant-based foods & proteins
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Good Food Institute
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Good Food Institute
Written & compiled by Lesley Fleming & Susan Morgan, updated Jan 2023